ESIC Model Hospital, Gurgaon
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Diet services at ESIC model Hospital Gurugram are integral to our commitment to providing comprehensive and patient-centered care. Our diet services focus on ensuring that patients receive the appropriate nutrition to support their health, recovery, and overall well-being. Here’s an overview of the diet services provided:

Diet plays a vital role in the treatment of patients. Proper diet is the key to good health and vigor. Inadequate and improper diets are not only responsible for under nutrition but also contribute to several chronic degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.
The Dietary department which consists of Dieticians has got a role in the decision making system for patients care. Dieticians not only cater to the patient’s food requirement, but they are responsible for planning, prescribing and counseling patients about their diet according to their diseased conditions.


  1. To maintain good nutritional status of all patients.
  2. To educate patients about how diet plays a major role in the treatment of various diseases.
  3. To modify the daily diet pattern of patients to meet their requirement during various diseased condition.
  4. To correct deficiencies especially in patients with prolonged hospital stay like cancer patients and critical care unit patients.
  5. Diet therapy in most instances is not a remedy in itself but is a measure which supplements or makes the medical or surgical treatment more effective.
  • In-patient Nutritional Care: The assigned Dietician will conduct ward rounds on a daily basis to visit the individual patients in order to assess the nutritional status, to make changes according to the patients need and requirement and to give a brief orientation about our hospital diet. A careful Dietary history of each admitted patients is taken, diagnosis and biochemical parameters are being checked so as to modify the diet according to the diseased condition Diet Chart and counseling is also being provided at the time of discharged.
  •  Food service management: Diet is compulsory for all In-patients. Hospital kitchen is being managed on a In house. The meals are prepared and served as per daily instruction given by the Dieticians who maintain a strict check on the quality of food and the services provided.
  • Maintenance of Cleanliness in the Kitchen:
  • Monitoring of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation is conducted on a daily basis.
  • Routine cleaning is done on a daily basis to ensure cleanliness and hygiene of  all section which include the pre- preparation area, cooking area, washing area, dry storage area, vegetable storage area, blend section, juice counter, salad preparation ,food trolleys, floors and tiles, ventilators and garbage disposal.

Role of Dieticians in Food Service Management of the Hospital Kitchen:


  •  Planning of therapeutic diet with the help of a meal card which specifies the calories and protein requirement. The meal card also has a list of food items to be served during each meal. Meal card will be placed on each therapeutic tray at the time of food serving so as to guide the service person on the type of diet, portion size and foods to be given.
  • Planning of Ryle’s Tube Feeds according to the required calories, protein and volume needed.
  • Evaluation of prepared food before serving to the patient.
  • Monitoring of cleanliness of the various areas within the kitchen.


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-12-12



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